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Three Forks Rodeo Arena Board

  • Cook Shack 602 MT Hwy 2 Three forks, MT 59752 (map)


Three Forks Rodeo Arena Board of Directors Meeting
September 9, 2019, 6:30 p.m

Call to Order & Roll Call (Mike, Gene, Adam, Casey, Kelly, Whobee)

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

Introduction of Guests (if any)

Financials & Approval of Minutes

  1. Approval of last meeting minutes (August 12th meeting)

  2. Presentation of Bills/Approval of TFRA Board Claims (Christina)

Committee Reports

  1. Finance & Fundraising - Kelly & Adam

  1. Discuss detailed Rodeo P&L in the new cloud-based accounting software

  2. Josh Z reimbursement for water truck use - is this done?

  1. Rodeo & Events - Casey & Gene

  1. Review NRA Rodeo Numbers - any update?

  2. Remaining events update

  1. Special Projects - Mike & Whobee

  1. Update on the Water Truck Load Station; Plan on new Out Gate mods

  2. New Items: separate feed for outside outlets on cookshack; remove stump by breaker panel; shade screen for breaker panel

  1. Master Plan - Gene & Casey

  1. Report on Bleachers - Engineering evaluation/soil test/construction estimate

  2. Develop a list of desirable features for new bleachers and schedule mtg w/contractor or architect

  1. Internal Operations - Adam & Kelly

  1. Review Checklists for Cookshack Operations, Rodeo Bank Operations, Security Orientation, Ticket Sales Orientation

  2. Discuss annual report to council - need to gather numbers and generate content

  3. Schedule Harassment Training

  1. Arena Operations - Whobee & Mike

  1. Shut down & winterize

New Business 

Next Meeting

  1. Next meetings - October 14, 2019, 6:30 @ ECI Conference Room

  2. Adjourn