budget for fy2024-2025

adopted 9/10/2024

The Council considered the below budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 at its meeting on July 23, August 13, and September 10, 2024. The City’s budget year begins July 1 and ends June 30th the following year.

Revenue Budgets are a little trickier to read - the City gets revenue from a variety of sources: property taxes, State Entitlement tax, Local Option tax (part of what you pay when you register a vehicle/trailer/boat/RV/ATV), Marijuana Excise tax, payments in lieu of taxes, Licenses and Permits (like business, dog, chicken, zoning, etc.), Grants, Rents, and Interest on funds within the bank. That then gets divvied up into different Accounts.

Expenditure Budgets are how the City intends to spend that revenue. For instance, Financial Administration is what we call internally “City Hall” and it includes staff expenses, advertising board vacancies, legal notices, IT support, training, etc. (This can be found on page 2 of 36.) The Planning & Research Services Account is where we budget to handle zoning permits, subdivision applications, advertising for those legally required notices, postage to mail them to neighboring properties, the upcoming Zoning & Subdivision Regulation rewrites, to name a few.

If you have any questions or comments, please call City Hall at 406-285-3431 or email Kelly Smith or Crystal Turner.

public hearings

NOTICE is hereby given for a PUBLIC HEARING to be held before the Three Forks Zoning and Planning Board on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Office, 206 Main Street, Three Forks, Montana.

RCREI, LLC has applied for an amendment to their CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to allow the 3 cabins to be open year-round.  The property is located in the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (SE4NE4) and the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter (NE4SE4) of Section 26, Township 2 North, Range 1 East AND Lot 12A of Block 18 in Buttelman’s Addition (Plat D-34-B), more commonly referred to as 126 East Jefferson Street.

This property is zoned Agricultural/Residential and is subject to the provisions of Title 11, Chapter 5B, Section 3 of the Three Forks Zoning Code.  The complete application and site plan may be review at City Hall, 206 Main Street, Three Forks, and available for view on the City’s website at www.threeforksmontana.us

The CITY COUNCIL will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 6:00 P.M., to act on the recommendation of the Zoning & Planning Board. 

At each PUBLIC HEARING, TESTIMONY will be accepted in support of, or in opposition to, this request. Written testimony is also acceptable and may be sent to ksmith@threeforksmontana.us prior to the hearing (deadline of 5PM on 9/19/24 for Zoning meeting and 5PM on 10/8/2024 for the Council meeting).  View the application on the Zoning & Planning page here. For questions concerning this request, contact Kelly Smith, City Zoning Official (406-285-3431).

Request for Proposals 

Maintenance & Repair to Buildings 

The City of Three Forks is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide construction at the following City of Three Forks’ locations:

·       Three Forks City Hall - 206 S. Main Street

·       Three Forks Fire Hall - 13 E. Date Street

The City’s Small Purchase Policy requires that we gather quotes from 3-5 qualified firms/individuals based on the price of the work.  A complete scope of work to be completed can be found on our website at www.threeforksmontana.us titled “City Hall” and “Fire Hall”, and may also be obtained by contacting the City at (406) 285-3431.  Firms/Individuals may bid on one or both of these projects.

Touring the facilities is encouraged.  If you have general questions, or to schedule a tour, please schedule a time by contacting us at the number above.  We are open Monday-Friday from 8AM-12PM and 1PM-5PM.

Submit quote(s) to cturner@threeforksmontana.us, mail to PO Box 187, Three Forks, MT 59752, or drop off at physical address for City Hall listed above. Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM, Friday, October 11, 2024.

City Reminder…

The City of Three Forks encourages you to familiarize yourself with our City Ordinances if you live within city limits. Did you know…

Ordinance # 5-5-1 & 2 states that vegetation (lawns & weeds) must be kept below 6 inches, including your alley and boulevard area. If you receive a notice regarding this violation, your property will be inspected again after 2 weeks; if you cannot bring the property into compliance in that 2 weeks please call us to communicate a plan. If your property is still not in compliance, the City sends a notice stating if not brought into compliance within 7 days the City may enter the property to bring the property into compliance.

Ordinance # 6-4A-2 states that every dog over five (5) months of age in the city limits is required to have a license. The annual license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for every dog shall be paid and said dog shall be registered on or before April 15 of each year at the office of the city clerk. It’s okay if you missed the deadline. Registration has helped many lost dogs get returned home safely.

Ordinance # 6-4A-4 states that every dog must be wearing its City license tag on its collar and should be under the immediate control of its owner. All dogs must be on leash at all times and no owner of any dog shall let their dog run at large at any time unless on private property.

(Image of dog laying on a bench looking at the camera.)

Read more of the city ordinances at www.threeforksmontana.us then hover over online documents then click on ordinances and city codes. Follow us on Facebook for reminders and updates to our city ordinances.  Call us with any questions.

Impact Fee Advisory Committee will meet at the City Office, 206 Main St.  on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 3:00 P.M.

Link to IFAC webpage

(Flooding logo, image of house with rain cloud over it flood waters rushing by it)

Did you know you may be in the 1% chance of flooding based on FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Map? Check out our floodplain page to learn more about the regulations on flood-proofing, and how you can best prepare in the event of a flood.

Madison-Ruby-Jefferson River Watersheds Flood Maps Update

Madison, Jefferson, Gallatin, and Broadwater Counties have been working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) to produce new floodplain maps for portions of the Madison, Ruby, Jefferson, Beaverhead and South Boulder Rivers, and Mill and Indian Creeks.

View Draft Maps Here

(Image of existing Jefferson floodplain overlay in Three Forks. *Does not include the Madison River Floodplain.)

(Image of proposed new maps overlaying Three Forks - floodWAY penetrates within the city limits on the west side of town)

(Image of what the Jefferson River Floodplain would look like if the mitigation channel were constructed in this location. *Please note this does not include any mapping of the Madison River Floodplain.)

Jefferson Floodplain Mitigation Project

The City of Three Forks submitted funding applications to FEMA in January 2022 for the purposes of funding a flood mitigation project to reduce flood risk from the Jefferson River. The proposed mitigation is a grass-lined conveyance channel and culvert crossing improvement project that will intercept flood waters west of town and divert them back to the Jefferson River before ever reaching the city.

The conveyance channel would be approximately 8,000 lineal feet. Channel dimensions are anticipated to be 100-feet wide, 5-feet deep, with 3:1 side slopes. The project will include a culvert crossing structure to carry water underneath MT state highway 2 before terminating into a natural side channel of the Jefferson River. The project cost is estimated at $5.5 million.

The City learned that FEMA has selected Three Forks for final review of a Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant at 75% of the total project cost.

The remaining 25% will be funded through a Special Improvement District (SID). The SID represents an area in which landowners would be assessed to fund improvements that benefit the district, and the maintenance thereof. Landowners have the opportunity to protest the creation of this district during the protest period. A Notice of Intent to Create was first published on October 4, 2022, beginning the 17-day protest period. (Protest period began 10/4/2022, the date of first publication in a newspaper of general circulation within Gallatin County. Three Forks also advertised in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Belgrade News, and the Three Forks Voice. Protest period ended on 10/21/2022 at 5PM.)

public hearings

Public hearings have been held on 9/27/2022 and 10/25/2022 to Create Special Improvement District #34 “Jefferson River Floodplain Mitigation Project & Maintenance”. Zero written protests were received, and the Council approved the creation of this SID at its 10/25/2022 meeting.

next steps

We have sent the District details to the Treasurer’s office to be on the 2023 tax rolls.

We also have met with the affected landowners where the proposed channel would be located, and will work soon on the environmental and historical assessment surveys.