This Page Will Help You Navigate To The Zoning Regulations That Apply To Specific Areas Within City Limits.  Please See The Zoning Map In Order To Verify Your Lot's Zone Designation, Then You Can Visit The Zoning Regulations Page.  This Will Open The Three Forks Codified Ordinances.  Section 11 Covers All Zoning.

Building Information

Zoning Permits

Zoning Permits Are Required prior to any building or structure being:  erected – moved in – or added to.  This includes all types of buildings or additions to buildings including storage sheds, carports, decks, porches, or any type of structure.

How to obtain a Zoning Permit:  Obtain a Zoning Permit Application available at the City Office and return completed application form including a preliminary flood elevation certificate (if required) with payment of appropriate fee.

Floodplain Permits

Much of the city is located within the 1% chance of flooding mapped by FEMA.  To learn more, please visit our Three Forks Floodplain website here.

Before doing any MANMADE IMPROVEMENTS to a property in an AE flood zone, you need to apply for a Flood Permit well in advance of work being done.  

Permit Required: A floodplain development permit issued by the floodplain administrator shall be secured prior to any floodplain development (any manmade change to improved and unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, buildings or other structures, mining, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations), including the placement of factory-built homes, within any area of special flood hazard. See City Ordinance Chapter 12. If the application is deemed incomplete, the Floodplain Administrator will notify the applicant of deficiencies within sixty (60) days. Under no circumstances should it be assumed that the permit is automatically granted. All approved applications will be signed by the Floodplain Administrator. Denied applications may be resubmitted if additional information is provided to support a change in development.

Flood Elevation Certificates:  A preliminary elevation certificate is required for all property that lies in Flood Zone AE.  After completion of any construction that requires a Flood Elevation Certificate, please have the final certificate completed by your engineer and forwarded to the City Office.

Water/Sewer Connections For New Construction

All new construction that involves a new connection to the City’s water and/or sewer system will be charged impact fees. (Refer to Impact Fee Schedule.)  This applies to residential and commercial construction.  Fees are payable at the time a zoning permit is issued.  If construction occurs on any paved street and the asphalt must be cut, there will be a charge for replacing the asphalt that may vary depending on the size of cut and prevailing price of asphalt.  (New Connection Application is $250.00) There may also charges for water and sewer incidental/miscellaneous parts (i.e. water valves, saddles, bolts, curbstop, meters, etc.)  Charges vary depending on prevailing prices incurred by the City and are a straight reimbursement due by the property owner of the new connection.

Commercial construction:  In addition to obtaining a Zoning Permit, possibly a Flood Permit, and paying Impact Fees for any commercial construction, you must also obtain a State Building Permit.  Please contact the State Building Inspector for this area (Mr. Skip Gee (406) 438-7687).  Impact fees also apply to new commercial connections to the water and/or sewer.  These fees vary depending on water meter size and square feet of the building.  (Refer to Impact Fee Schedule.)

Impact Fees

Impact Fees are required for all new construction, and change in use which may further impact services the City provides.  Impact fees are set by the City Council, based on the capital improvement projects needed for water, wastewater and fire services, and based upon a citizen-advisory committee’s recommendation.  The fee schedule is reviewed every five years and may, or may not, change based on those capital projects.

Recommending & Decision-Making Boards

The Zoning & Planning Board meets monthly if applications are received by the deadline.  This Board holds one of the required public hearings for zoning applications, and then provides a recommendation for approval, conditional approval, or denial of the application to the City Council.

Board meetings are held at City Hall at 7:00 P.M. as needed on the third Thursday of the month.

Recommending and Decision-making boards help the City administer these regulations.  Some applications must be heard before the recommending Zoning & Planning Board, while other applications for variance requests to the regulations are heard before the Board of Adjustments.  See our page titled "Boards & Committees" for more information on each of these specific boards, or use the links below.


Zoning Official
(406) 285-3431

Contracted Planner:

Randy Carpenter

Zoning Permit Fees:

  • Residential $200

  • Commercial $200

  • Garage/Addition $100

  • Deck/Shed/Carport $50

  • Chicken Coop $50

  • (After-the-fact zoning permit fee is $100 minimum or 2x the regular fee, whichever is greater)

  • Conditional Use Permit $500

  • Variance Request $500

  • Zone Text/Map Amendment $500

Floodplain Permit Fee:

  • $500

Floodplain Variance Fee:

  • $500