capital improvements plan project!!

The City is just beginning (5/2023) to take inventory of its assets and rework the capital improvement plan (CIP). Visit our CIP project webpage linked below to learn the reasons why, how we would involve the public, review the project timeline, and be in the know of your city’s future!

Existing capital improvement plan

Project Title

  1. Fire Hall remodeling improvements to include shower and two bathrooms.

  2. Updated electrical wiring within City Hall.

  3. Continuation of sidewalk trip hazard removal program.

  4. Reverse osmosis system to treat the City’s drinking water wells so that Wells 8, 9 and 10 can be pumped at full capacity.

  5. Bleachers at the Fairgrounds.

  6. Replacing park equipment with new and updated equipment.

  7. Improvements to the City storm water drainage system.

  8. Repairs to City Outfall Line.

  9. New Communication System (radios) for Emergency Personnel.

  10. Replace the 30-year-old Tennant Sweeper.

  11. Paving improvements of Milwaukee Street.

  12. Paving improvements of Railway Avenue.

  13. Fire Department air compressor to fill SCBAs.

  14. New City Hall/Fire Hall complex.


Estimated Project Cost

  1. $12,000

  2. $5,000

  3. $41,000

  4. $1,000,000

  5. $400,000

  6. $10,000/year

  7. 15,000

  8. $640,000

  9. $10,000

  10. $150,000

  11. $400,000

  12. $250,000

  13. $35,000

  14. $2,000,000